Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Candy Bar Expiration Dates

I found this great article on how to avoid stale candy by understanding the expiration dates. Here is an excerpt that is the jist of it...

"For M&Ms and Mars candy, there's usually a 10 digit code of numbers and letters, but you only need to worry about the first three. The first number is the last number in the year (8 means 2008, 7 means 2007, etc) and the next two numbers stand for the week of the year (so, a number like 804 would be the fourth week of 2008: February 2008)

For Hershey's candy, there's a 2 character code for the month and year. The year is like the other code, with the number being the last number in the year, the second character is a letter that represents the month. A = January, B = February, and so on. So a code like 9A would mean that the candy expires January of 2009.

Stale candy isn't really "expired" in the sense that milk and other perishable goods "expire." In this case, the candy is merely stale and isn't as tasty as it should be. Still, why buy old candy?" article from

Saturday, April 19, 2008

His Greatest Talent

Professionally speaking, Miles had one superior talent. He could ride waves and find tennis balls out in the ocean over a quarter of a mile off the beach. This was one of his favorite things to do. People from all around would gather to watch this talent and point in amazement as Miles would go far out past the ocean foam into waves and bob around till he found the little yellow tennis balls. You could say that tennis balls were his passion and at the oceanside one could see how far this love would take him out. He could do this for hours on end and then when whoever was throwing the ball had their arm give out, he would proceed to roll around in the sand for half an hour. This picture was taken on one of those beautiful sunny days.

Friday, April 18, 2008

How can one say NO to a face like this?

Miles was infamous for his funny faces. In this photo he was hoping for some string cheese...He got some:)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Miles was Famous!

This is a picture of Miles for an article in Shape magazine. He struck a pose as a supermodel yoga dog. Really though, his penchant for fame came naturally. His original owner was briefly the bassist for Natlaie Merchant, but she was on tour so much she couldn't keep him and so Miles as a puppy was then passed on to the loving home he enjoyed for the 12 and a half years to come.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Smooth Operator!

Miles had an unbelievable trait of appearing innocent at all times. He skillfully hides behind the flowers (appearing to be petted) when being treated to a snack at my friend's wedding shower. He was smooth like that.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Miles Continued

This week is dedicated to my gone but not forgotten friend Miles. One night we did a photo shoot and this was him at the end saying to me, "all right Lexi, this is the last one!".

Monday, April 14, 2008

R.I.P. Miles the Best Buddy Ever!

Miles died on Friday the 11th at 3:45pm. He had a heart attack and he was 12 years old. He was the best dog buddy anyone could wish for and made friends with every person he came in contact with. It was always the running joke that if anyone came to invade our house, Miles would most likely love the intruder into submission rather than attack him. His bright spirit and funny expressions are and will be sorely missed. Miles was a shimmering sparkle in life and hiking won't be the same without him...I'll miss you old buddy!