Monday, October 15, 2007

Environmental Blog Day

Since today is "post something on your blog for support of environmental causes day" I thought I would include some "green tips" to be supportive of the cause. Also click on the pic to check out the cool designy video that New York put out to get people involved...
1. Switch to ENERGY STAR® qualified Compact Fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).
2. Buy ENERGY STAR® appliances.
3. Don’t air condition an empty room
4. Unplug chargers and appliances when not in use.
5. Switch to a green energy provider.
6. Walk or take public transportation.
7. Recycle your glass, metal, paper and plastic.
8. Bring your own cloth bag to the grocery store.
9. Use green cleaning products.
10. Switch to paperless bank statements and online bill paying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey alexis, this is all good stuff, but the biggest i think is just to get people out of their cars. light bulbs turned off are one thing, but cars turned off are much better. my roommates and i are huge transit advocates promoting the car fee lifestyle here in LA. check it out when you can and give it a shot if you haven't already.

for articles by me look for tykejohson.